Wednesday, October 18, 2006



  • Jobs and Finances: Unemployment for young adults is typically 40-50% higher than the national average, and the current economy is no exception--about 10% of adults under age 25 are jobless and looking. While young adults struggle to get on a career path, they are relegated to part-time and temporary jobs that lack benefits, good pay and basic rights. Many are borrowing heavily: for 18-24 year olds, credit card debt increased by 104% in the last decade. Read more
  • Cost of Education: Debt for college students is climbing. For the nearly two thirds of college students who graduate with student loan debt, the average burden nearing $19,000. That's nearly as high as the national average family debt burden. Meanwhile, 22% of high school graduates are unable to attend a four-year college due to cost. Many young adults leave school with debt, but without a diploma. Just over one-third of those who left school without completing a degree had borrowed between $10,000 and $20,000. Read more
  • Health care: An astounding 50% of 18-24 year olds were uninsured at some point in 2002-2003. Right now, nearly 13 million 18-29 year olds have no health insurance. They are one third of the uninsured population. Turning 19 is the greatest risk to their health--that is when many get kicked off of family plans and government programs. Read more
  • War & The Draft: There are 140,000 American troops in Iraq, and 80% of them are under the age of 35. With allied countries supplying only 20,000 troops, the burden of fighting this war is clearly falling on the shoulders of our young volunteers. Meanwhile, with our military unable to muster enough troops to meet its needs across the globe, intellectuals and policymakers are starting to talk about re-instating a service draft. Read more
  • Voting rights : Its time to get rid of mandatory advanced voter registration. In states that have Election Day voter registration, the participation rate is 14% higher for young adults--proof that voter registration prevents voting. The voting rights of college students are also under attack--many election officials prevent students from voting in local elections, which is a violation of students' constitutional rights. Read more

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